Tuesday, November 15, 2011


This time of year, it's only natural that our minds start thinking about all our blessings, and in turn, about those less fortunate than us. 

I have been trying hard to perform small acts of kindness at least once a day, in a quiet way. I don't like to share what I have done with people in general, as these tiny acts of service feel almost sacred to me- they are between me and Heaven, and make me feel as though I have carried a little piece of Heaven in my heart for the day. And the amazing thing is that the more you do, the more you become aware of the needs that are out there. 

You also become aware of how many other people are also performing small acts of kindness- quietly, simply out of the desire to serve and assist, not for any personal accolade or recognition.

In keeping with this theme, I came across a blogger, Nikki, from Everything Under the Moon, who is hosting a link up party called "Random Act of Kindness Week". The idea is to perform at least one random act of kindness a day. I thought it might be nice to participate, and maybe, at least one other person out there will adopt one of the 'charities' I support, and do the same.

PS I 'hijacked' the image of the little girl doing graffiti from Nikki's blog, too ;)


A Visit With Mrs T said...

Hi, I'm Mrs T from swapbot. Saw your website on twitter so thought I would check it out. Love the image of the little girl too..hope you don't mind if I hijack it from you!! :) I don't see a follower button on your blog so am subscribing through RSS feed. I want to see what you do with the ornament...and like you I am not a big wreath fan, but I do like the one here on your blog. Have a great day!
Oh by the way, if you would like to visit my blog, it is: http://avisitwithmrst.blogspot.com/

Shonah Melton said...

Thank you Jessamine!!!! I truly love your blog. Thank you for sharing the random act of kindness a day. We often just think of ourselves and what we are going through instead of looking after others by small, kind deeds. This makes me feel like I can do better.

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