Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Scrapz Uni Week 2 Submissions

Week two's assignments were Horticulture, Neonatal Science and Graphics & Computer Technology. The layout to the left was my submission for the Graphics assignment. We had to edit our photo (which I did using Microsoft Picture Manager- simply desaturated the colours, then adjusted the brightness contrasts), overlap part of our title onto our photo (I didn't do that, it just didn't work for this layout) and journal either directly onto our layouts or use journalling strips.

I used a lot of "found" objects on this layout- bubblewrap as my photo mat (I smeared it with white paint to make it stand out), cardboard scraps and foil for my stars, a brown paper bag to print my journalling on, and staples to fasten the majority of my elements to my page. I had so much fun- this layout came together in minutes, AND it hardly cost me a thing! I based my layout on a sketch I found at Got Sketch- I think it was sketch #68.

The layout to the right is my submission for the Horticulture assignment. The photo's are of my first (successful!) attempt at growing something. I think I have black thumbs- instead of helping things flourish, I tend to kill them... *cringe!* This little green pepper plant really wasn't doing too well at one point- I spent a lot of time trying to nurse it back to health, but it just kept getting worse... Only once I had finally given up on the thing, did it start flourishing- of all the cheek! Oh well, guess I can't be good at everything... hehe!

For the Horticulture asssignment, we had to included a frame and 6 flowers on our layout. I used 6 yellow flower brads, and made a yellow scallopped frame to go with my photo's.
I also got to FINALLY use one of my 7 Gypsies stickers and a tag that I have been dying to use forever! Don't you just love it when you get to use your stash? I'm starting to sound like a broken record, aren't I...?

My last assignment was Neonatal Science. We got bonus points for every extra item of info we included, eg. day of birth, population count, etc. I had colour photocopies made of my pictures and Birth Card, which I attached with photo anchors to my layout so it can be completely removed and viewed. Chris chose the title of this layout for me- because he thinks I'm cute AND because of the buttons. He thought he was very clever- I think he's very sweet =)

Lastly: here's something fun for you to try:! You simply type in your words, and it makes this super cute word cloud for you! You can choose from a variety of different layouts and colours too. I made one of the pet names Chris and I have for each other, which (if I can figure out how to do it) I am hoping to print and use for my Speech Therapy assignment next week. I just seem to be having a hard time saving it so I can print it at the photo shop... Oh to be computer tech-savvy!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Butterflies and Bunting

Roll your eyes all you want, but I GOT COMMENTS ON MY SUBMISSIONS TO THE SCRAPZ.BIZ UNIVERSITY GALLERIES!!!!!! I was so excited to receive the feedback- everyone tells me they love my scrapping, but to have complete strangers complementing my work... Wow! *insert goofy, dreamy grin here* I had butterflies in my tummy the whole day yesterday.

On the subject of butterflies, here is a layout I finished yesterday...

I used Prima papers and butterflies, and cut my title from computer canvas paper- that paper that feels just like canvas that's made to go through your printer, I don't remember its exact name. I printed my journalling on masking tape. To do so, I printed my journalling on ordinary printing paper, then laid masking tape over it (after detacking it a couple of times by sticking it down, then pulling it off, the counter). I then fed it back through the printer, carefully peeled it off the computer paper and then adhered it to my layout. The journalling is the chorus from Uncle Kracker's song, "Smile":

You make me smile like the sun, Fall out of bed, Sing like a bird, Dizzy in my head, Spin like a record, Crazy on a Sunday night. You make me dance like a fool, Forget how to breathe, Shine like gold, Buzz like a bee, Just the thought of you can drive me wild, Oh you make me smile!

While I started this page over a week ago, and had finished it, for all intents and purposes, it felt like something was missing... And finally, yesterday, I figured it out: brads. It seemed like the page was "escaping", like there was too much open space above my photo's. So I bought a pack of Old Gold coloured brads, and bordered my photo's on two sides with the brads. I love the effect- just the right touch of edginess to an otherwise soft, romantic layout.

And now, for the bunting... How cute is this????

For those of you who don't know, I work in a scrapbooking store in Port Elizabeth, called The Scrapbook Nook. Today, seeing as how it is Valentine's Day on Monday, we decided to make some pink bunting. See that fluffy-looking pink thingy below the sign? I made that! And it was SO easy! You just take a piece of string, the length you want your bunting to be, and then you tie strips of fabric to it... and that's it! So easy, SO cute. I think I need to make one for my kitchen in reds, browns and creams, to go with my developing chicken theme... Wonder if my boss will agree to tear the fabric into long strips for me like she did this time... Hmmm... Hehe!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Scrapz.University 2011

I have decided to go back to University! Scrapbooking University, that is! SCRAPZ.BIZ is an Australian site, and they are hosting a 5 week University course. Some of the assignments due in tomorrow are: Genealogy, Behavioural Sciences, Architecture and Media Studies. Now, don't be put off by the course titles- it really is super fun! Basically, over the five weeks, you need to submit a minimum of five assignments. New assignments are set every week, and each assignment is worth 10 credits. I completed two assignments this week:

This is my layout for the Genealogy assignment. Assignment requirements were to scrap a layout that had photographs of at least three generations of your family. Bonus points are awarded if you include string and paint or ink. I used string to make my flowers and on my tags, and I used ink to "whitewash" my picket fence. I also included the advert from our local paper that initially drew my attention to the little restaurant we had lunch at. On the tag I have journalled the funny story beind the taking of the photograph of my Mother and I: I asked my Gran to use my digital camera to take the photo, and when she held the camera up, she had it facing herself! All my Mom and I could do was dissolve into giggles as we watched my Gran's puzzled face featured on the screen of the camera! Just a little, non-relevant memory that will never change the world, but gave us a good laugh.

This layout was for the Behavioural Sciences assignment. We had to scrap the behavioural/ characteristic traits of ourselves, a loved one or even a pet. Bonus points are awarded for the use of a punched element and stitching. I stamped, and then punched, the tags that form a border horizontally across the page. I also punched the bracket border that runs vertically down the left hand side, the holes in the photo matting and the tab above the photo of my husband. I then stitched lines to my photo matting to act as journalling lines. I journalled about how Chris is a thinker- he really mulls things over, and examines them from at least a dozen different angles I never even knew existed! While occasionally this can be frustrating- especially for me, a "live by the seat of my pants" decision maker- it is a character trait I have come to respect and deeply appreciate.

Want to know what I love most about these two pages? They hardly cost me anything, because I used up my scraps! See the photo matting on the "My Thinker" page? I... ummm... kinda cut that from the back of another layout I am working on...*blush*! Tell me you've never done that, and I'll tell you you're lying! It just seemed to be such a waste to purchase a WHOLE new sheet of cardstock, just to matt my photo. Besides, for every two pieces of cardstock I can prevent myself from purchasing, I can buy a piece of patterened paper- bargain!

On the subject of matting photographs... I must be honest, I hardly ever do that. I generally just sand the edges of my photo's, which gives the effect of a white photo matt. So there's a money saving tip for you ;-) Also, I must admit that the layout design used for the "My Thinker" page was gotten from a sketch by Becky Fleck at Pagemaps. I love her sketches for inspiration. This particular sketch I found over at Scrapbook and Cards Today site, under their "sketches" section. Go take a browse at these sites- you'll never be short on inspiration again!

Monday, February 7, 2011

This is Elvis and Selina. Elvis is almost two and
Selina is a year. This picture was taken nearly a
year ago, just after we got Selina. Now it looks like we will be having a couple more additions to our feline family- because Selina is pregnant! We expect the kittens to be born sometime around the end of the month. Not too sure what to expect- I've never has a pet fall pregnant... Unless you count the silkworms I had when I was 11 years old! So this will be an adventure- a bittersweet one, as we cannot keep any of the kittens. Two cats is enough for us, and as much as we would love to keep one of Selina's babies, I don't think it will be possible. For in case you were wondering... Elvis in NOT the father! =)
I anticipate many adorable pictures of soft fuzzy kitties in the near future... Now wouldn't that be fun to scrap??

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Inspiration Overload

I am a visual person. Don't tell me HOW to make something- rather show me a picture and, nine times out of ten, I'll be able to figure out how to do it. As much as I love reading, pictures get my attention everytime.

I love magazines. It doesn't matter what type- crafty mags are my favourite, but I have been known to find inspiration in fashion mags, and even DIY, woodworking, or business publications. Layouts of articles and contents pages, advertisements and graphics- all are a visual feast to me. Often, I will spend the majority of my time looking at the pictures- sometimes I never even bother with the words.

At the moment, I am reading four different books, which are providing me with an inspiration overload.

The first book, which I have been reading the longest, is Ali Edward's, "Life Artist". My hubby, Chris, gave me this book for Christmas, and it has really helped me to refocus on what's important in scrapbooking. I am now more determined to record the daily events of our lives, and not just the special occasions or professionally taken photographs. It is an incredibly freeing experience.

I am also no longer fussed about finding "the perfect embellishment", or "the right paper". I choose paper I like, that does not clash terribly, and go with the flow. I find I am enjoying the process of scrapping so much more now, and I feel far less frustrated. AND I love my pages more than ever- what a bonus!

The second book was another gift, this time for my birthday. In Jowilna Nolte's "Scrap-boek", she demonstrates how to scrapbook using household items to make your own embellishments- the real, old-fashioned way of scrapbooking, with an exceptionally classy edge.

This book is written in Afrikaans, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading this language again- something I haven't done since I finished high school seven years ago.

Also- and this might sound silly- I love the texture and weight of the paper it is printed on. It has that whole recycled feel to it, which ties in beautifully with the theme of the book: upcycling household items into gorgeous and inexpensive scrapbooking embellishments. I will never look at elastic bands the same way again! Should you like to purchase this book, you will find it over at lapa UITGEWERS.

The third book, another birthday gift (yes, I was spoilt, I know!), is Tara Frey's "Blogging for Bliss".

This book has been a HUGE help in starting my blog. Without this book, I wouldn't have even been able to do this post! I have a feeling that once my hubby reads my first post, he is going to be requesting the use of it too...

Besides being extremely helpful, this book is an incredibly delicious visual feast. The photography is amazing, and the subjects even more so. It also features "blogstars"- popular blogs, written by incredible women, who do incredible things. It also gives invaluable information for those who wish to showcase their crafts and businesses, and explains the world of blog-ettiquette. Definitely highly reccommended for those non-tech-savvy people who want to break into the blogosphere.

Last, but by no means least, I have been thoroughly enjoying revisiting a book I bought a good two years ago- Kaari Meng's "The French Inspired Home".

This book has made me look at family heirlooms in a different light. I have always had a strong sense of sentimentality and the importance of family history, but this book has shown me ways to incorporate these pieces of my family's history into my home decor. This year, I will be making an effort to unpack and repurpose the ornaments, crochet doileys and medals given to me by my grandmothers.

I want to live with these pieces that were a part of my loved ones lives. Even though some of these loved ones have passed one, I want to feel their presence as I co-exist with the possessions they laboured to create, earn and find.

Well, I hope my descriptions inspire you to hunt down and purchase these books yourself. I must say, that there is nothing better than settling down to read a beautiful book, and knowing that it is your's. What books have you read that have inspired you?