Tuesday, November 15, 2011


This time of year, it's only natural that our minds start thinking about all our blessings, and in turn, about those less fortunate than us. 

I have been trying hard to perform small acts of kindness at least once a day, in a quiet way. I don't like to share what I have done with people in general, as these tiny acts of service feel almost sacred to me- they are between me and Heaven, and make me feel as though I have carried a little piece of Heaven in my heart for the day. And the amazing thing is that the more you do, the more you become aware of the needs that are out there. 

You also become aware of how many other people are also performing small acts of kindness- quietly, simply out of the desire to serve and assist, not for any personal accolade or recognition.

In keeping with this theme, I came across a blogger, Nikki, from Everything Under the Moon, who is hosting a link up party called "Random Act of Kindness Week". The idea is to perform at least one random act of kindness a day. I thought it might be nice to participate, and maybe, at least one other person out there will adopt one of the 'charities' I support, and do the same.

PS I 'hijacked' the image of the little girl doing graffiti from Nikki's blog, too ;)

Sunday, November 13, 2011


I have just signed up for my first swap with SWAP-BOT and I cannot wait to begin! I'm not sure why I am doing this now- the last thing I need right now is another distraction... But I just could not resist!

The idea is to make a handmade Christmas ornament, which you will then send to your assigned partner, wherever they are in the world. Anyone who knows me, knows that I LOVE  anything to do with Christmas, so this is right up my alley! I also signed up for two other swaps: The Colourful Socks #2 and the Ransom Note Postcard. The sock swap is pretty straight forward- buy a cute pair of socks and send them off... The Ransom Note Postcard is a little more creative: Buy a postcard, and, using letters cut from magazines, spell out a message, quote or note to your assigned partner- not necessarily a ransom note, just in that style ;)

I'm thinking about using the following quote for my ransom note:

"... and then the day came when the risk it took to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom..."

 I'm not too sure who said that, I will have to look into that, but I LOVE this quote, as it pretty much sums up this past year for me. I'm thinking mostly black and white letters, with the base being a postcard featuring cherry blossoms... Something like this picture below:

For the decoration swap, I think I am going to use this tutorial to make this stunning ornament:

I will definitely take pictures of what I make, and what I get- once it arrives :D